General Principles lay a firm foundation for ensuring food hygiene and should be used in conjunction with each specific code of hygienic practice, where appropriate,… [More Details+]
This document provides a framework for the development and operation of an import control system to protect consumers and facilitate fair practices in food trade… [More Details+]
These guidelines provide a framework for the development of import and export inspection and certification systems consistent with the Principles for Food Import and Export… [More Details+]
This document provides guidance to national governments in the design, development, operation, evaluation and improvement of the national food control system. It highlights the key… [More Details+]
Official and officially recognized inspection and certification systems are fundamentally important and very widely used means of food control; the following principles apply to such… [More Details+]
This standard applies to commercial varieties of Melon grown from Cucumis melo Linn. of the Cucurbitaceae family, to be supplied fresh to the consumer. Melon… [More Details+]
This standard applies to commercial varieties of watermelon grown from Citrullus vulgaris Schrad [syn. Citrullus lanatus (Thunb) Matsumet Nakai] of the Cucurbitaceae family, to be… [More Details+]