Title Of Document

Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic -- Accelerated ageing and heat resistance tests


ISO 188:2011 specifies accelerated ageing or heat resistance tests on vulcanized or thermoplastic rubbers. Two methods are given: Method A: air-oven method using a cell-type oven or cabinet oven with low air speed and a ventilation of 3 to 10 changes per hour; Method B: air-oven method using a cabinet oven with forced air circulation by means of a fan and a ventilation of 3 to 10 changes per hour.

Category of Standards

Category 2

Document number assigned by ASEAN

ISO 188:2011




HS Range

MRA/Harmonised Regulations related to the Standard

No current MRA

ASEAN Body responsible for Standard

Rubber-Based Products Working Group (RBPWG)

Member States

 ID   MY   PH   TH   VN 

Date of harmonisation in ASEAN

Date of Latest Review

Links :

ISO 188:2011 Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic -- Accelerated ageing and heat resistance tests